The doctor:
Doctor Who. Finctional BBC TV character currently undergoing something of a revivial.
The Doctor is one of the last of a race of beings. The only other i am aware of is 'The Master'. The Doctor has a neat trick that when he is killed he is capable of regenerating into a new physical manifestation while retaining all the memories of the prior manifestations (a simple piece of tv storytelling genius). However all these manifestations have been of a middle aged man in appearance.
The Doctor travels the multiverse (time, space and realities) getting into and out of trouble.
The Doctor tends to have an 'Assistant' who tends to get into trouble and is frequently a young femal/male. The Assistant travels with the Doctor in his time/space warping vehicle known as the Tardis. The assistant is constatly in contact with the Doctor, is constantly being put into stressful and dangerous situations with the Doctor and is always being rescued from these stressful and dangerous situations by the Doctor.
My problem is this.
In situations of high contact and high stress relationships are formed. These relationships may take a number of forms. In a number of occasions this relationship can be sexual. This is why actors are always bonking each other.
However i have never once seen a romantic relationship develop between the Doctor and one of the assistants. For some reason i see this as odd. I have also come up with a reason to explain it. But i wonder why we've never seen it on TV?
Let's say the Doctor rescues nubile young female/male from certain death for nth occasion. Nubile female/male turns to Doctor for emotional comfort and stress relief. Nubile Assistant makes a suggestion of physical stress relief to Doctor.
At which point Doctor takes two steps back. Drops his pants (or perhaps opens his shirt) and says to Assistant "Well this is what i've got. Can you work with it? You can't? Well in an infinite multiverse their are infinite possibilities and we might find a double adapter". At this point Assistant is shocked/horrified/faints and asks to be returned to home planet and time period as soon as possible.
Makes perfect sense doesn't it? The doctor and assitant are different biological beings why would their 'bits' be compatible? It's a great little scene that would certainly settle things once and for all.
I hear they just got a new Doctor. Maybe this time's the charm.